Friday, February 8, 2013
Miichan, AKB & the Love-Ban-Law
AH! I have to vent about this or go crazy! I'm probably going to sound like a big meany. I am tired of hearing everyone go on about Miichan and how bad they feel for her. I adore Miichan! She's an amazing idol and has brought a lot to AKB as a member. I'm not saying "oh she deserves it" and I don't agree with every angle on the Love-Ban-Law.
Here is the thing though- she's been with the group since Gen 1. She knows the rules, whether she likes and/or agrees with them or not. In order to stay in AKB, you follow the rules. I think the Love-Ban-Law serves a purpose.
I watched a video by TheYoungTurks on YT about "J-pop Idol's Teary Apology for Dating" and got very annoyed. I'm not an expert on Japanese Culture. But people from the outside looking in, that have no knowledge of how the idol world works, don't get it. And the comments the news-reporters made frustrated me.
The part I dislike about AKB and other idols sometimes, is the innocent virgin idol. I know it's to appeal to guys as their fans, to create an image, to let them dream and fantasize about their idol loves. Blah blah blah. Just because AKB's manager was smart enough to find a market on something and sell it like crazy, doesn't mean that the AKB members, other Idols, or the Asian Music Industry are doing something horrible.
In a way, the market caters to females like me as well. I go gaga just as much over my favorite idols and songs, there is definitely an attraction. But my fantasies are the ones where I get to meet the members, or actually go to a concert. It's not always (I can't speak for every) on a sexual level. Being an idol fan, gosh, it's so deep. It's so much. It MEANS so much. It can be hard to put into words the connection we feel.
Anyways, back on topic.
Love-Ban-Law. So many people have been hitting it low and hard since the Miichan scandal. But it's a reasonable rule IMO. It's practical. Imagine having to manage 91 girls, in several different groups. Practices, outfits fittings, video and vocal recordings, not to mention the EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK performances! Plus school and/or college.
The girls are constantly fighting for their position in AKB. They divide their attention between so many things they have to do and do well. They divide themselves up between their managers, teachers, and they also devote time to other members they're close to. Plus they must get family time now and then, right? THEN add in extra time to somehow make a relationship work.
You think there is scandal in AKB now?! It could take ten times the amount of filtering, protecting, and arguments with newspapers and other publishing companies in order to try and keep scandal down. Any tiny glimpse of trouble in paradise with any member's relationship would be all over the news.
I can't even imagine and or describe all of the possible scenarios. It could cause chaos within the group and/or company. Girls unable to balance it all, becoming jealous, running late to practice, and -goodness forbid- getting pregnant at an early age. And yes, it might damage sales or lose them fans. It is a hard fact that fans and selling singles & tickets is what keepts AKB going. If there isn't a group, you can't be in it.
So why trade it all for having no chance to even date?
They're idols. They'll never have 100% private lives as idols. They have to work hard & make choices and/or sacrifices. And to walk into it, knowing that. Especially a powerhouse like AKB. To be in the group, and learn it well. To live it. To be it. You KNOW the rules. You know that you are putting the possibility of a relationship on the back burner.
If you decide you don't like it, that you can't make the sacrifice?
Then leave. Graduate. Move on.
Don't do it behind everyone's back, create a scandal, then be upset when everyone finds out you broke the rules.
That last part isn't directly aimed at Miichan. It's how I generally feel about the Love-Ban-Law. Is it a stupid rule? No. Is it for everyone? No. There isn't a way to make everyone happy. It keeps the idols in check and assists management. They are all part of something bigger than themselves.
"But she's 20 and at her youth's prime and should be allowed to date"
No one but Miichan has taken away her ability to date.
She is a member of AKB. They enforce the Love-Ban-Law. And she chooses to be a part of AKB.
And the recent action she has taken following the scandal?
She wants SO MUCH to stay in AKB. She is so devoted, that instead of leaving the group, she has gone with managements decision and become a trainee. If she put herself through all that anguish, reflected on her actions, the situation and what her options are, and still CHOSE to remain in AKB- then I think she must have decided that it means more to her now than a relationship.
I am happy for her. I know her fellow Gen 1 members will support her, and she'll be the cutest and most talented trainee! Maybe someday she'll get promoted from a trainee again!! I do feel Miichan's sadness. I really hate seeing a beloved idol so worried and emotionally low. But she is like a shining light when she smiles, and I believe in her.
If she leaves AKB within a year or so because she decides she isn't truly happy, or she wants to pursue love- that's okay too. It's what she wants, what will make her happy. The Love-Ban-Law isn't every idols enemy. It only is if they let it be. Management may be management, but there is still some choices involved for the idols.
I wish Miichan all the happiness and success in the world.
But I am going to purposely avoid reading more articles and blog-posts about the scandal lol
Friday, December 14, 2012
Are They Singing?
PVs and good and fun, but it's the concert lives that make everything worth it. I can spend hours video surfing from one Momusu concert video to another. The raw energy, the talent, the sincerity and passion. It is all really felt, it makes everything so real and LIVE. It makes the connection between fan and idol that much more. I'm not saying that AKB isn't talented because they don't sing live. And I know it probably isn't their choice, it's the company's preference.
I've heard some people argue that AKB moves around so much on stage, and that's why they don't sing live. Baloney. Let's take Momoiro Clover for example. I adore them to pieces! When I watched their live at the 2010 Tokyo Idol Festive, my spirit plummeted when they sang live with themselves. As in, there was the actual track of their recorded voices singing, with the idols singing live along with it.
But here they are, four years after their debut, and they've been singing fully live now for probably at least two years! And they are an idol group that really does move around a lot with their dance routines. I really enjoy watching their concerts now, because I love hearing the girls sing and perform. Bad notes, good notes, scratchty throat moments and shining lines- I love it all! They started out not 100% LIVE and now they are.
Morning Musume are the same! I will admit that I dislike listening to their early performances, because they aren't performances! They are the girls dancing on stage while their recording plays and they mouth along with it. It's not just AKB that everyone picks on. But they are a very popular and known group in the idol world and since 2005, AKB are known for lipsyncing at least 80% of their performances. It's a let down.
Where I am going with this whole ramble, aside from getting out my opinions, is this; yesterday I clicked on a video, and it made me so proud of AKB! One thing that I very much admire about them, is their performances of other idol groups' songs! It's part of a karaoke theme that I think came from the members themselves. The group isn't full of themselves, many of them are wotas of other idol groups and just want to have fun and bring joy to their fans.
In the YuruYuru Karaoke Competition, the members are singing live. LIVE! Oh my goodness. It is a dream come true! I know that Momusu and other idol groups do karaoke a lot on TV, but this is the first concert I have seen themed around karaoke featuring other idol group / jpop songs. I had a BLAST watching the concert. It gives AKB a warmer spot in my heart. I truly enjoyed hearing the girls sing live.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Just because something isn't your cup of tea, doesn't mean it can't quench your thirst.
When I was new to the idol world, I heard a lot of fan chatter talk about AKB. I got annoyed by the almost overwhelming popularity they have. At the time, I didn't know or understand enough about AKB, Morning Musume, and the idol world in general. I was a blooming H!P fan and disliked that so many of my fellow idol fans carried on about AKB on the side. Waters I didn't feel comfortable in.
I didn't really realize until recently how long AKB has been around. I used to think of them as being the big popular girls groups, who dominated the idol world and had been for a while. But really, they have only been around since 2005. I know- 'that is still 7 years' you're thinking. True. They are maybe the third longest running female idol group.
But back then, I was thinking they had been around as long as or longer than Morning Musume. I equated popularity to time-active. Berryz Koubou has been around slightly longer than AKB48, and as far as currently active groups, Momusu takes the cake.
Time has passed so quickly. It's strange to think I've been a fan for three years. Just the yesterday I was looking through AKB's discography. I began rewatching their singles from beginning to current. When I reached Ponytail to Shushu, I did a double take upon seeing that it was released in 2010. So long ago? Two years ago?! It feels like that song came out a few months ago. Every single from then on is so fresh in my mind- some more prominently so than others.
Though I don'tknow any girls by name & face except for Maeda, Takamina, Haruna and Miichan, I honestly do like quite a few of AKB's songs. In a way, AKB has as much of a part in my idol fan history as Momusu and all of the H!P groups. This blog shows that I was trying at one point to learn more.
I don't know that I'll ever keep the members and teams straight. But I'd like to get to know AKB's music better. While I don't think they are overall as much my taste as H!P, and I do happen to think H!P releases good singles more consistently, that are more interesting (and I like their lives more). I don't dislike AKB as I thought I did back then, and I admire them as individuals and as a talented group.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
HOMG, how did I not see that I had wonderful commenters on the last few entries?! Thank you so much to Dekiru Onna and Dubbers for taking the time to drop a comment, and help me out! You should definitely check out Dekiru Onna's Musings: An AKB48 (and sometimes H!P) blog!

They picked a really good person to fill in for Tomomi, cause both her and Maachan have super cute/sweet voices. And even though I completely adore Maachan, I'm glad I got to hear Tomomi sing, and I think I like this version more. Plus, Meetan's hair is SO awesome!!

And here is some Takamina! She's awesome in this ! ! ! I like both of the two leaders' different voices, that are so very them. Takamina has a mature/lovely voice, and Yukirin has a sweet/pretty voice. I voted for Takamina, and I think for now I am going to stick with that. This performance confirms it for me. I love her.

Thanks again to Dubbers! I greatly appreciated your help, and also your thoughts. About how Mayu is "really popular because she has this fragile lolita thing. She's also the 4th most popular member on AKB so that's why she's has all the solos." I agree! Meh, I still don't care for her a ton, but she's cool. *keeps rooting for Natsumi and Aika* heh

She is often refered to as Ayarin or Kikuji. I haven't decided which I'll call her yet. She's only been in two A-side singles; 'Romance, Irane' and 'Baby! Baby! Baby!' Some fun facts;
* Kikuji loves seasoned seaweed and shaved ice
* Her phone strap features Minnie Mouse
* Ayarin is a sprinter on her track team at school
* Her bedroom is almost entirely pink
(A link to another vid, in case the one above is removed for whatever reason)
W. T. F ?!! What it is this crap?! It reminds me of the Hone Hone Waltz, but way worse. I'll at least listen to that song. It's like; Do your ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro. I really don't like the instrument music stuff too. It sounds like a polka or something.
This also reminds me of that one dance video that Fudaka Kanon did, where she had like five little kids trying to dance with her while she sang a very kiddy song that was supposed to appeal to them. I love Kanon, but the song was kind of like this one.
This is major ew. Ridiculous. Come on, Watarirouka Hashiritai! Couldn't y'all do better than this? Even a little bit. I can only listen to 'Kanpeki Gu~no ne' so many times in a day, but it still tops this by 100%. I expected more from this quintet.
AKB's next single, following Seifuku ga Jama wo Suru, which I have come to LOVE. I don't exactly like this song very much. It could grow on me, but I don't know. It is a slow-ish song, which I usually find to be very pretty from AKB, but this one doesn't do anything for me. I mean, it's still enjoyable, but not something I'd listen to oodles and oodles.
I say this now, but I'm sure it'll grow on me, LOL. The chorus is kind of catchy. We'll see. But for now I'd give it like, maybe 4 stars, definitely not more. Gotta love Takamina. I was happy to see Miichan (Minegishi Minami)! She's so adorable. I'm not surprised to see Acchan, but I like her.
"16 members from both Team A and Team K were selected to participate in the A-side to this single. They were as follows ~
Team A: Itano Tomomi, Kojima Haruna, Maeda Atsuko, Minegishi Minami, Nakanishi Rina, Oshima Mai, Shinoda Mariko, Takahashi Minami
Team K: Akimoto Sayaka, Kasai Tomomi, Kobayashi Kana, Masuda Yuka, Miyazawa Sae,Ono Erena, Oshima Yuko, Sato Natsuki"

Before, on pink and blue I was totally BS-ing it, cause I had no clue. I was sorting through images and squinting at the video, trying to figure it out, LOL. There are so many girls, and so many I still don't know. Thanks again to my commenter who helped me to sort this line-up out. I don't know the different A1, A2's and such. Clueless.
Annnnnd, I think that's it for this entry~

Sakura no Shiori (桜の栞) / AKB48
Majisuka Rock'n'Roll (マジスカロックンロール) / AKB48
Enkyorii Poster (遠距離ポスター) / Team PB
Choose me! / Team YJ
I love all four of these songs to pieces. I do like some of AKB's older songs more than Majisuka Rock'n'Roll, such as Aitakatta. And I've read a blog or two that has bashed on Sakura no Shiori, but I think it's beautiful.
With Enkyorii Poster and Choose Me, I really like them. But I see them as the new AKB stuff. Not just because they are (lol), but because they are more modern and nowadays. They are on a different page than AKB's earlier stuff. So if I were to combine older and newer stuff and pick favorites; Aitakatta, Seifuku ga Jama wo Suru and Skirt Hirari would be up there, probably above those two.
But if I were to seperate the old and the new stuff, Enkyorii Poster and Choose Me! are in a different group, and so their ranking numbers for me change. Am I making any sense? ;w; So, as a whole those two songs are lower than they are in their own group of recent releases.

Friday, March 12, 2010
And when I'm especially in the mood for them, I tend to choose the songs I like the most first. I am somewhat surprised by which of the songs I have come to really like, and some of them have been faves from the first listen.
I purposely left out the four songs from AKB's latest single, Sakura no Shiori, because I covered them out of order. Like with H!PE, I want to go from beginning to current, and those four are way on the current end, lol. So, here is it;
[1] Aitakatta
[2] ICE Aisareru to iu koto
[3] Seifuku ga Jama wo suru
[4] Aozora no soba' Ni ite
[5] Oshibe to Meshibe to Yoru no Chouchou
[6] Skirt Hirari
[7] Sakura no Hanabiratachi
[8] Tane
[9] Dear My Teacher
[10] Dakedo
[11] Virgin Love
[12] Ashita wa Ashita no Kimi ga Umareru
[13] Tenshi no Shippo
[14] Hone Hone Waltz
Watarirouka Hashiritai (渡り廊下走り隊); Hirajima Natsumi, Oota Aika, Watanabe Mayu, Nakagawa Haruka.

"Ushirogami Hikaretai (うしろ髪ひかれ隊) is a Japanese idol Jpop band, created in 1987 and disbanded in 1988, and the third sub-group of Onyanko Club. . . .In October 2008, its producer Yasushi Akimoto announced its re-formation as Watarirouka Hashiritai, with four members from his new production AKB48, modern successor of Onyanko Club."
So that is how this little group came to be! Their first single was released 2009-01-28. Since then, they have released two more singles, their latest; Kanpeki Gu~no ne ( 完璧ぐ~のね ).
This song is incredibly catchy. I know the first time I heard it, I didn't like it very much. But it's grown on me some, and I think the girls are adorable! I'm familiar with Aika from when I did Rae's Faves, and from hearing her in the concert performance of Tenshi no Shippo. The dimple gives her away every time, lol. That's her at 0:38. She does have a cute voice and a sweet smile.
I am not a very big fan of Mayu's voice. I just don't like the sound of it, it annoys me. Kind of how Gomaki annoys me in Momusu. And yet, she seems to get a lot of the first solos and the first camera time, before the other girls. She's also been in the most singles in AKB of the four. Maybe she is the better dancer? I don't acutally pay attention to the dancing as much. Maybe I should, since it is a big part of AKB48.
I like the matureness that Natsumi has in her voice, it's pretty. But she doesn't wow me. I like her more than Mayu though. I think Haruka is freaking kawaii, homg! Buuuut, I like Aika's voice better. So I guess for cuteness; Aika & Haruka are tied, then it's Mayu and then Natsumi. But for vocals; Aika, Natsumi, Haruka, then Mayu.
The little part at 2:40, where they are all going their 'gu no ne!' stuff, I like Aika's the most, cause she looks and sounds adorable, and peppy. I think Haruka could have spoken with more umph! And I liked Natsumi's energy, plus she sounded great! Then there is Mayu. . . lol, she gets two lines, her 'Shugo!' and then another one at the end. Line-whore. She does sound kind of cute, but whatev.
OH ! ! ! And I finally found an accurate listing (with pics!) of all three teams! Wanna know how I know it's legit? Cause it's right off AKB48's official website! TADA~
Team ATeam K
Team B
I wanna go blog on H!PE and maybe Blabodu, so this is going to it for now on here, except that I shall leave you with some concert performances! I could sit here for a long time, just clicking from one video to the next, lol. It's fun and I find new performances I like, or hear girls that I like~
I knew right away that Acchan (Maeda Atsuko) was the girl in white; firstly, her face is so easy to pick out, and secondly, she got the first solo. But! I can see why she is so loved and so often put at the front, she is a really really good singer. I also know that the girl in green is Kaya (Masuyama Kayano), she has such a cute face and smile, plus I know her from when I was looking into Honegumi.
Risa! Is the one in yellow, it took me a moment to spot her, but I saw the ears and face and knew it was her right away. Plus she has a nice smile too. I was bummed that she didn't get any solos. No one did other than Acchan, and the girl in blue; who I think is Hiichan (Komatani Hitomi)? But I don't know for sure. And as for the girl in pink? No idea. Maybe Usami Yuki?
Some more Acchan, but again, I like this performance, and she does good in it. I'm not sure which girl (maybe the one at 3:15?) is Fujie Reina, and get this; she's Natsuyaki Miyabi's cousin (Berryz Koubou Miya)!!! I thought that was interesting.
And lastly, enjoy some adorable animal AKB girls~
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Next, shall we vote on captains? It just gives me another AKB-related thing to look into. I know who Takamina is, I first heard Sayaka in subgrop Chocolove from AKB48 last entry, and I covered Yukirin back when I went through Rae's favorites. Right now, I'm not sure who is my favorite. I know I like Takamina, but I need to try and find more solos lines of Sayaka and Yukirin's to listen to.

So some fun facts about Mii-chan; her favorite flower is Lavender, and she has the habit of clicking her fingers. She's allgeric to cats, collects hats, and had the nickname Gojira (Godzilla) in primary school. LOL. And Aitakatta! says that Miichan is "Known for being the best dancer of AKB, and also, the most mischievous loli in Team A."
Seifuku ga Jama wo Suru. I really like the opening music to this song! The first singer is Takamina, that I got easily. And the second is. . .Acchan (Maeda Atsuko) ? I really really like the girl at 1:32, but I can't figure out who it is. The chorus is kind of catchy, and overall I like the song. Not a super favorite though.
Wow, the lyrics are kind of naughty sometimes. That is one difference between H!P and AKB that I've noticed. H!P lyrics are more teen-love related, and AKB's lyrics are sort of about teen-love, but more flirty, naughty, and on a higher maturity level. I mean, the girls are singing about wanting their uniforms off, how it's just an annoyance that's in the way.
Fourteen members from Teams A and K were selected to participate in this A-side. Team A: Itano Tomomi, Kojima Haruna, Maeda Atsuko, Minegishi Minami, Nakanishi Rina, Oshima Mai, Shinoda Mariko, Takahashi Minami. Team K: Akimoto Sayaka, Kasai Tomomi, Masuda Yuka, Miyazawa Sae, Ono Erena, Oshima Yuko.
Just the title of this song; Virgin Love. No wonder these girls have such fun performing, they get to sing about things like virginity and wanting their uniforms off. They don't cross any lines, and I don't think they are slutty, but it's interesting to see such a big female idol group singing about this kind of stuff.
This song is, dare I say. . .fun. Lol, I just mean it's so upbeat to dance to and the melody is very catchy. All the girls sound awesome, especially on the chorus. "Hayaku dare ka ubatte, Hayaku dare ka ubatte, Hayaku dare ka, Kite kite kite, Virgin love" I really like how that part sounds. This whole single, A & B sides, don't exactly wow me, but they aren't awful either. And you never know, a song can always grow on you~
Annnd for the subgroup this time around;

The first time I saw the outfits, even before I heard one line of the song, I was thinking a huge WTF? I only listened to like 30 seconds of it that day and was like; meh. But I am trying to cover the no longer active subgroups of AKB48 before I get too much into the current ones (even though I already did a song by No Sleeves) And since this group only had this one single, I figured I'd get it out of the way.
BUT, it kind of grows on you a little. I went to listen to it for this entry, and I was like; awww. The girls sound cute, and I actually really like the chorus. Those 'Hone hone's are freaking adorable. It is a very short song, but I like the cuteness of it. And also, while looking up the members, I came across Oku Manami.

I'll have to keep an eye out for her in BINGO! But just for kicks, here is a video that's she in, along with Ohori Megumi (who is the oldest member in AKB). I was getting annoyed with Dailymotion, so I just print-screened the video and linked it. So click away!!

Meetan has a really good voice, I like the lovely mature sound of it a lot. Maachan is just super cute, voice and all. The two of them work perfectly for this duet!! I also love the echo parts of the chorus; where on will sing a word/line and the other will repeat it. And the way they sound together is epic! Pretty blending.
That's it for today on A K B [E] ~
Aitakatta / Team A & K (10/2006)
ICE Aisareru to iu koto / ICE from AKB48
Oshibe to meshibe to yoru no chouchou / Ohori Megumi & Oku Manami
Seifuku ga Jama wo Suru / Teams A & K (01/2007)
Aozora no soba' Ni ite / AKB48
Choose Me! / Team Youth Jump (YJ)
Sakura no Hanabiratachi / Original Team A (02/2006)
Sakura no Shiori / AKB48
Majisuka Rock'n Roll / AKB48
Dear My Teacher / AKB48
Enkyorii Poster / Team Playboy (PB)
Tane / No Sleeves
Ashita wa Ashita no Kimi ga Umareru / Chocolove from AKB48
Tenshi no Shippo / Aichan, Yukirin & Nakayan
Virgin Love / AKB48
Skirt Hirari / Sukahira Seven (Team A back-up vocals)
Dakedo / AKB48
Hone Hone Waltz / Honegumi from AKB48